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Farmers protest against unlawful & unjust Governments

Sashikant Dewedi

Indigo Revolt (1859–60)

In 1859–60 peasant farmers who grew indigo in the Bengal region of northeastern India rebelled against the British planters who controlled the industry. Their widespread violent rebellion is variously known as the Indigo Revolt, the Indigo Rebellion, the Indigo Riots, the Blue Mutiny, or the Blue Rebellion. British planters used to force farmers to grow whereas farmers want to grow wheat and rice in their lands. Under “Dadani custom” British planters used to give some money to farmers and took their signature or thumb on paper. This revolt was started in “Govindpur” village of Bengal’s Nadiya district. In 1860, production of Indigo was completely banned in Bengal.

Pabna Revolt- (1873- 76)

In 1873 peasants of Yusufshahi pargana of Pabna organized an agrarian league which raised funds to meet litigation expenses, held mass meetings to which villagers were called by the sounding of buffalo horns, drums and night cries passing from hamlet to hamlet, and also occasionally withheld rent.

The aims of the movement were also quite limited, for the withholding of rents was no more than a method for winning specific demands like a change in the measurement standard, abolition of illegal cases, and some reduction in rents. Nor was the Pabna agitation consciously anti-British: the most extreme demand raised in fact was that the raiyats wanted ” to be the ryots of Her Majesty the Queen land of Her only”. Such appeals to the distant overload as against the immediate oppressor are of course not uncommon in peasant movements, and the Pabna raiyats had been encouraged in fact by certain apparently pro-peasant moves by officials like Lt. Governor Campbell’s proclamation in July 1873 which accepted peasant combinations as lawful even while condemning violence.

Deccan Revolt- 1875

This revolt was held in Pune and Ahmednagar (Maharashtra). This revolt was aroused against money- lenders. Due to continuous loss in farming and increasing lagan rate, farmers took loans from Money- lenders on high rates. Farmers were not able to repay back, so Money lenders took their lands.

This revolt was Violent. Farmers started to burn money- lenders’ houses. It enacted Deccan Agriculture Relief Act, 1879 to protect peasants against the money lenders

Peasant unrest

Area: Punjab Year: 1901 - Against the acquisition of the land by the money lenders. Punjab Land Alienation Act of 1902 enacted prohibiting transfer of the land from the peasants to the money lenders & mortgages for more 20 years.


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